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Our Products
Ski and Snowboard Rental System
Ski Tune and Boot Fitting System
Bike Rental System
Guide Management System
Jeep / ATV Rental System
Water Sports Rental System
Raft Rental System
Tours Rental System
Snowsport Industries America
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New Client – Onboarding Survey
Contact Us
New Client – Onboarding Survey
Please take a short survey regarding your onboarding experience.
Every bit of feedback from our clients helps us make Rezosystems better.
Company Name
What product do you have?
Ski/Snowboard Rentals
Ski Tune/Boot Fitting
Guide Management Services
Bike Rentals
Did you have any problems during your onboarding process?
Yes, but it was resolved quickly
Yes, and it is not resolved yet
If you have a problem that has not been resolved, please provide your email address and phone number
A member of our staff will contact you ASAP to help resolve your issue
Have you already scheduled or completed a product training?
Yes, and it was very helpful.
Yes, and it was very helpful, but I still need assistance.
Yes, and it was not at all helpful
Not yet
Virtual training with our staff is KEY to get full advantage of all product features
Please rate your experience with Rezosystems so far
5 - Very Good
4 - Good
3 - Average
2 - Bad
1 - Very Bad
On a scale of 1-5 Please rate your experience up to this point
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to leave them down below.
Please do not fill in this field.